Friday, March 28, 2014

Noah- Movie Thoughts


So I haven't read any reviews of the movie, but I have heard that there is  controversy about the movie.  I will give you my review of the movie.  I attempt in no way to give an unbiased, thorough, or thoughtful review.  I will just give you couple thoughts.  

-This is a movie made by Hollywood and not a Bible college.  The point is entertainment, not biblical or theological education.  Keeping that in mind will keep you from getting all wadded up about all the things that don't follow the Biblical text.  

-The general feel of the movie is sort of Lord of the Rings meets Transformers.  Which is weird.  

-The parts that are Biblically accurate= 
The whole earth was flooded.  
Noah, his wife, and kids Shem, Ham and Japheth were in the boat.  
There were a lot of animals on the boat.

-The parts that are questionable=
Everything. Else.  

-Noah is described in Genesis 6 as a righteous man, blameless in his generation.  In the movie he comes across as a total jerk as a dad and just generally a tool.  I understand how that could rub people the wrong way.  

-There are some intense themes of infertility and singleness that some people may resonate with and find surprisingly upsetting to them.  Where is God in the midst of barrenness or God not providing a spouse...?  You may not be expecting these themes in the Noah story.  

-The Creator does not seem to be depicted as a loving God in the movie.  However in Genesis 6, it is not a warm and fuzzy view of God at all.  

"And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." 

-We have made the story of Noah so child friendly and "fun-animal-arky songish" that it might catch people off guard how dark and intense it is.  This is a horrible story in the Bible.  Death, destruction, and sin.  Not happy animal children's murals and rugs and toys.  

-The movie is a downer... so was everyone in the entire world dying.  

-I would suggest if you watch the movie, that you remember it is done by Hollywood and use it as a stimulus to think about the Bible story and what it was really like.  There are a million details that are not included in Scripture... so keep that in mind.  

-If you go to the theater, go to the bathroom first... because it is about 2 hours long but it feels like about 3 and half.  


JeffreySchallick said...

Also go to the bathroom first because of the copious amounts of water.

Benjamin McCown said...

Christy, I appreciated your insight! I also appreciate Jeff's. Lol.